According to a recent study, only 8 percent of adults sleep naked. The rest of us either sleep in pajamas (74 percent) or “something else.” If you’re not among the 8 percent, here are 9 ½ reasons why you should donate your PJs and anything else you wear to bed at night to the nearest thrift store.
1. You’ll sleep better.
Your body temperature drops a little as you fall asleep and climbs back to normal when you wake up. Those cooler temperatures stimulate production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates your sleep and wake cycles and helps you sleep more deeply. Wearing PJs can increase your body temperature, which reduces melatonin production and can keep you from getting the most restful sleep possible.
2. You’ll burn more calories.
People who sleep in cool environments produce more brown fat. Sounds disgusting, but brown fat is actually good for you; it helps you burn calories, which generates heat. Just don’t go too far with this. You want to be cool, not cold.
3. It’s good for your boys.
As you’ve probably noticed, your testicles live outside your body–and there’s a good reason for that. The testicles manufacture sperm, but to do their job right, they need to be about three degrees cooler than the rest of you. According to a recent study done at the U.S. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, men who wear boxers during the day and nothing at night have 25 percent less damaged DNA in their sperm compared to men who wear briefs during the day and at night. Those tighty-whities heat up your balls and cook your sperm. Something to consider if you’re planning on having kids at some point.
4. It’s good for your relationship.
In a recent study of more than 1,000 people in the UK, 57 percent of nude sleepers said they’re happy in their relationship, compared to 48 percent of PJ sleepers and 43 percent of nighty wearers. People who wear onesies (those full-body PJs with feet) were the worst off, with only 38 percent saying they’re happy.
5. It reduces stress.
Cooler temperatures suppress production of the stress hormone cortisol. As a result, you wake up more alert and relaxed. Skin-to-skin contact, which you’ll get a lot more of when you go commando, triggers the release of a hormone called oxytocin, which is essentially the opposite of cortisol. Oxytocin lowers your stress and anxiety levels, reduces your blood pressure, and boosts your immune system.
6. It’s cheaper.
Have you looked at the price of PJs and onesies these days?
7. It’s good for the environment.
We don’t know exactly what the carbon footprint of a set of PJs is, but if you don’t wear them, you’ll save water, gas, and/or electricity. Plus, you won’t be putting a bunch of detergent into the water supply.
8. It could keep you from becoming a hermit.
If you’re a PJ or onesies kind of guy, once you’re dressed, chances are you’re not going to go out for a beer with the guys. But if you sleep au naturel, you won’t get ready for bed ’til the very last minute.
9. It’s good for your skin.
Sweat and belly button lint build up when you wear clothes. Letting your privates and the rest of your skin air out helps keep everything fresh. In addition, cooler temperatures increase production of growth hormones that repair skin and replace dead cells. That explains why they call it “beauty rest.”
9½. You may get more sex.
Just imagine: skin-to-skin contact, oxytocin (which makes you feel warmer and cuddlier), a satisfying relationship, a relaxed demeanor, a few extra dollars in your pocket, an active social life, and a nice complexion. There’s only one place that leads. Just make sure you’re not wearing anything when you get there.