Do you think you could be in love with more than one person at the same time? Could you date more than one person at the same time? Have you dated more than one person at the same time? I’m not talking about cheating here. I’m talking about consensual non-monogamy: when someone is romantically committed to multiple people with the full knowledge and consent of everyone involved. This sort of relationship might seem rare, but according to a 2016 report in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, one in five Americans have engaged in consensual non-monogamy. That’s surprisingly common—and it seems like public interest in consensual non-monogamy and polyamory are on the rise. A 2017 analysis using Google’s Trends tool showed that more and more people are looking for information about open and polyamorous relationships online.
Are polyamorous relationships the same as open relationships?
Not exactly, says Mary Fisher, CMHC, a licensed psychotherapist and sex therapist. Fisher explains that “open relationship” (sometimes known as consensual or ethical non-monogamy) is an umbrella term that can include polyamory, but also swinging, relationship anarchy, or other forms of non-monogamy. “Polyamory is a specific kind of ethically non-monogamous relationship in which partners are free to explore sexually, emotionally, and romantically intimate relationships with other people,” Fisher explains. In other words, this generally means you could date multiple people at the same time. “Other kinds of open relationship may include sexual intimacy with others, but limit emotional and romantic connections,” meaning some open relationships allow both partners to sleep with others, but not date or develop feelings for others. That’s the idea of polyamory in theory, but what does it look like in practice? HealthyWay spoke to three polyamorous women about their personal experiences with polyamory. Whether you’re interested in engaging in polyamory yourself or you just want to expand your perspective on romantic relationships, read on!
Cameron Glover, 25, a writer and sex educator, feels that she’s still very new to polyamory.
“As long as it’s consensual, positive, and ethical, I don’t think there’s a wrong way to practice polyamory. You can customize it to whatever works best for you, and it’s okay if that changes over time,” she says. Glover was introduced to the concept when she dated someone who was polyamorous a few years ago. She became interested in the academic side of polyamory and checked out books, podcasts, and blogs about polyamorous relationships and non-monogamy. “I started to see it as a natural inclusion to my life,” Glover said. “I identify most strongly with solo polyamory—it’s the idea that I am my own primary partner and centers things that I really value, like self-autonomy, independence, having my own space.” “Solo polyamory” is a broad term typically used to refer to polyamorous people who are committed to their own autonomy. They often prefer to stay single and have casual relationships. They might have partners, but they are committed to the mindset that their autonomy comes first. They could also have close, non-romantic relationships that they prioritize above sexual or romantic relationships, such as relationships with friends or their children. Identifying with solo polyamory has its own set of challenges, Glover says. “Even within polyamory spaces, solo polyamory is still invalidated, invisible, or just not something that is taken seriously,” she explains. Many polyamory-friendly spaces are couple-centric, which means they focus on couples instead of single polyamorous people or solo polyamory. “As long as it’s consensual, positive, and ethical, I don’t think there’s a wrong way to practice polyamory. You can customize it to whatever works best for you, and it’s okay if that changes over time.” —Cameron Glover, Writer & Sex Educator
Page Turner, 36, a relationship coach, author, and the founder of PolyLand, has been practicing polyamory for over a decade.
Turner was first introduced to polyamory by a polyamorous married friend. “Prior to this point in my life, I had always looked at monogamous as synonymous with morality and that non-monogamous people were irresponsible,” she said. “But here my friends were, consensually non-monogamous, and they were extremely responsible people.” Soon, Turner fell in love with her friend—and so did Turner’s then-husband. Both Turner and her husband went on to date this friend in a triad: a three-way relationship where everyone is dating one another—like a couple, but with three people. Since then, Turner has parted ways with her then-husband and they both went on to find more suitable partners. “I have no regrets, and neither does he,” Turner says. Turner has since remarried and she has also engaged in many polyamorous relationships. “Currently, I’m seeing my husband and two girlfriends. One of my girlfriends I see separately; the other my husband also sees,” she tells HealthyWay. “My husband has someone of his own that he sees that I do not. One of my girlfriends is married. The other is married and has a boyfriend.” “I had always looked at monogamous as synonymous with morality and that non-monogamous people were irresponsible. But here my friends were, consensually non-monogamous, and they were extremely responsible people.” —Page Turner, Founder of PolyLand
Diana, 30, has been in a polyamorous relationship with her partner for the past five years.
“I have never felt comfortable in monogamy, and I always thought there was something wrong with me, that I was deviant in some way,” she says. “I would not only be attracted to, but have genuine romantic feelings for multiple people at once.” She cheated on her then-fiance, Martin, in 2012—a decision she still deeply regrets. While separated, she learned about the concept of polyamory. She identified with it immediately. Diana and Martin got back together, attended couple’s therapy, and worked at solving the issues in their relationship. After this, their partnership became a polyamorous relationship. They met another polyamorous couple, Elsa and Andrea, and Martin started dating Elsa. “The couple, who have two kids, invited us both to move in with them as they were buying a house,” Diana says. “We run the household as a community now, with four adults all working together to keep things going and to parent the kids.” Since moving in with Elsa and Andrea, Diana and Martin got married. In times of crisis, Diana finds it helpful to have this small community to support her. If any of them are ill, for example, the others pitch in with cooking, cleaning, childcare, and chores. “I have never felt comfortable in monogamy, and I always thought there was something wrong with me, that I was deviant in some way.”
Can polyamorous relationships be successful and healthy?
Although many people might assume polyamorous relationships can’t be successful or healthy, Fisher says this isn’t the case. “There has been no research to suggest that polyamorous relationships are less successful,” Fisher says. “In fact, some practitioners would suggest that polyamory requires greater self-awareness, more sophisticated communication skills, and greater attachment security than monogamy. I would agree with that, based on my research.” In addition to this, polyamorous relationships—and open relationships—are not necessarily less healthy than monogamous relationships. “It’s generally accepted that a healthy relationship includes a sense of basic emotional safety and trust,” she says. She notes that a relationship that is healthy should also include opportunities for open communication and discussion. In any relationship, no matter the agreements and understandings it entails, we should be able to communicate our needs and listen to the needs of our partners. Of course, toxic or abusive people may engage in polyamorous relationships, just as they engage in monogamous relationships. “I think many of the signs of relationship problems in monogamous relationships are the same for polyamorous relationships,” says Fisher. “Coercion and gaslighting are problematic in any relationship, polyamorous or otherwise.”
Interested in entering a polyamorous relationship? Here’s some advice.
There are many reasons why people consider polyamorous relationships. Like Diana, they might feel that monogamy doesn’t work for them. Alternatively, they might simply feel like they have a lot of love to give, and that they’d like to commit to multiple people. Whatever leads someone to a polyamorous relationship, it’s important to keep a few things in mind. “Some practitioners would suggest that polyamory requires greater self-awareness, more sophisticated communication skills, and greater attachment security than monogamy. I would agree with that, based on my research.” —Mary Fisher, CMHC
Here’s what to be aware of before entering a polyamorous relationship.
Because there are so many ways to practice non-monogamy, there’s a lot of jargon used in the polyamorous community. This can be super confusing for newbies, outsiders, or even practicing polyamorous people who aren’t aware of the terminology. Glover’s advice to newbies is to remember that it’s not all about academics. “Having the language and the lingo and fun facts down is cool if that’s your thing, but I think there’s too much emphasis in knowing the specific jargon that goes along with talking about a certain experience that is revered more than just experiencing it.” “For polyamory to work, you need to be able to understand how you are feeling, and you need to be able to articulate this in words.”